By the Numbers

  • 759,895 (Number of Illinoisans who are members of the State’s five pension systems.)
  • $95 billion (Illinois’ current unfunded pension liability.)
  • 40 percent (Funding level of Illinois pension systems, compared to the national average of 75 percent.)
  • $5.2 billion (Illinois’ 2012 pension payment, triple that of 2008.)
  • $17.1 million (Amount our long-term pension shortfall increases EACH DAY without pension reform.)
  • 2016 (Estimated year in which Illinois will spend more on pensions than on schools.)
  • 60 cents of each dollar (Amount of pension benefits paid to retirees which comes from investment earnings.)
  • 30 percent (Loss suffered by Illinois pension systems’ assets due to the Great Recession.)
  • 44 (Number of states which have enacted long-term pension funding plans since 2009.)
  • $10 billion (Estimated amount of the 2025 Illinois Budget that will be consumed by pension payments.)