We need to tackle the big problems…
…and the most urgent is the pension squeeze.


  1. Halt the increasing pension pressure on the budget and its far-reaching effects NOW because it can’t wait
  2. Ensure retirement security for our teachers and others
  3. Secure the Illinois that we want for our kids and grandkids and future generations

Press on Pensions

Our View: Another pension punt in Springfield

Rockford Register Star – October 27, 2013

We’re disappointed, although not surprised, that the General Assembly didn’t deal with the state’s pension problems during the first week of the veto session.

There appears to be no sense of urgency to deal with the worst unfunded pension liability in the country. If there were, legislators wouldn’t have cut their first week short by a day.

Full Article Available Here

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How Did We Get Here?

The Illinois Pension Squeeze has been 70 years in the making. Here’s a road-map to the crisis.

The Real Deal

Squeezes and shortfalls? COLAs and cuts? Confused by all the pension jargon? You don’t have to be an accountant to GET IT!

Get Involved

The Pension Squeeze affects every taxpayer. One person can make a difference. Act now!